General Election 2017: RA Statement

We look forward to campaigning alongside candidates up and down the country to fight for a more liberal, more equal Britain in the coming weeks. The scale of the challenge facing our party and the scale of the choice facing the electorate are monumental; we're ready to get to work and deliver as many Lib Dem MPs to parliament as possible, to fight for liberal values and against the insular, short-sighted Brexit vision endorsed by the Tories and waved through by Labour.

Federal Conference Briefing: Spring 2017

We can now launch the Radical Association's Spring Conference 2017 briefing. This briefing is publicly available to provide members and other Liberal Democrats with the RA's take on the motions being put before conference, in a helpful two-page summary. The briefing is primarily meant to give our assessments of motions, from which readers can then take our concerns and thoughts to the conference floor to give them a better grounding in the debates.

Radical Association: Upcoming Elections

This is to announce that the RA's election procedure is now starting.

This year we are pursuing a somewhat condensed electoral timetable, with the aim to vote on the week from the 5th March onwards. Candidacies may be filed by any RA member until that date with the support of at least two seconders, by email to If you want to stand, second, or vote, but are not an RA member, Join the Association today for free.

Liberals must stand against the rising tide of xenophobia

The facts are clear on immigration: it benefits the economy, strengthens our public services, and gives Britain the diversity that helps to make us a global cultural powerhouse.

The campaign of fear against migrants, though, has now infected the heart of Britain’s government and society – which is why Liberals and their allies from all parties must stand against the rising normalisation of xenophobia.

Where now on welfare for the Liberal Democrats?

Summary: The welfare motion that recently passed Liberal Democrat conference, whilst committing the party to campaign for important and positive changes to the current welfare system, falls short of being a much needed vision for a radical overhaul of social security for the 21st century. Nonetheless, we welcome the improvements made to the party’s policy by the motion, and look forward to this being a stepping stone towards the adoption of a bolder, more forward-thinking policy in future to overhaul the welfare system at a fundamental level.

Conference briefing

This weekend the picturesque beaches of Brighton will be swamped with lanyard wearing liberals. But if you can pull yourself away from the sunny skies for a few hours, in the dingy Brighton centre there are going to be some very important (and contentious) debates at this conference. Remember every party member who has paid to attend conference gets a vote. So for the perpetually unprepared, here is your guide to what the must-see debates are:


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